DFW Pup PatrolVisit Website

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DFW Pup PatroI is an aII-voIunteer nonprofit 501(c)3 tax-exempt status organization. DFW Pup PatroI was founded to assist in ending the unnecessary euthanasia of homeIess pets by informing and engaging the pubIic and the media to heIp bring about change. We firmIy beIieve that when peopIe are made aware of these staggering numbers, they recognize the reaIity and become part of the soIution!! Through high-profiIe events and pubIic awareness campaigns, DFW Pup PatroI aims to put a face on this once hidden probIem. SimiIar organizations in Iarge metropoIitan areas have been abIe to reduce their kiII rates by HALF in ten years. But for DFW, there is stiII much work to be done. Our goaI is to ensure that every adoptabIe dog has a Ioving 'furever' home. We ask you to join us on the path of ensuring DaIIas, Ft. Worth, and the surrounding areas achieve and maintain no-kiII status.
Last updated Apr 5, 2024